- Valley Middle School
- Announcements
School Nurse
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Arrangements may be made with me regarding delayed exams due to insurance.ALL Incoming 6th Grade Students:
You must have both a Tdap and Meningococcal immunization prior to the first day of school.
You cannot attend class without these immunizations. Please have a copy of your shots sent to your present nurse or
have a copy with your most recent physical exam to the Health Office here at VMS.Physicals:
According to New Jersey State Law #NJAC 6A:16-2.2 & NJSA 18A:40-4, a physical examination is required for all incoming 6th graders and/or transfer students. The state physical form can be found on the Valley Middle School's website under the nurse’s office tab. The physical is to be within 365 days of the first day of school, signed and stamped by your child's physician.
Please return the completed physicals with the updated immunization record to the Nurse’s Office during the summer months. In addition, if your child needs additional treatment plans (allergy/asthma action plan, diabetic or seizure) please return these forms to the Nurse’s Office. Your child must be in compliance with the New Jersey State Sanitary Code; failure to comply will prevent your child from attending school.
All intramural sports activities as well as INTERSCHOLASTIC SPORTS must have a physical on file in the Health Office.
**All FALL Sport Pre-participation and History forms are due no later then August 1, 2024.
This includes Cross Country Track and Soccer
Deadline for ALL Forms is August 1, 2024.
Required Forms For Sports Clearance: All Forms can be downloaded from my web page under medical forms.
- Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation Form - Athletic physical ( Valid for 365 days- COMPLETED BY YOUR PEDIATRICIAN)
- Updated Health History Form (Complete for every sport season by parent / guardian)
- Concussion Release Form(This must be signed by the sports participant and parent / guardian - completed annually).
- Sudden Cardiac Death Release Form(This must be signed by the sports participant and parent / guardian- completed annually)
- Opioid Release Form ( This must be signed by the sports participant and parent / guardian - completed annually)
Deadline for ALL FORMS
- ● Fall Sports - Soccer / Cross Country Track - ( No later than August 1)
- ● Winter Sport - Basketball/Cheer ( No later than October 15)
- ● Spring Sport - Track & Field - (No later than March 15th.)
Clearance for ALL SPORTS is a process that may take ONE WEEK or LONGER. Please be sure that ALL FORMS are received by the School Nurse no later than the date stated above for each individual sport.
ALL PHYSICALS AND FORMS must be reviewed by the school nurse and the Oakland School District doctor for clearance to participate in any tryout or practice. Please note, that if your child has any health concerns, additional time and paperwork may be required prior to sports clearance. Once again, clearance for ALL SPORTS is a process that may take ONE WEEK or LONGER.
All students participating in sports require a current approved physical to be on file with the Health Office. Each student whose physical was completed more than 90 days prior to the first day of tryouts must provide an updated history form .
The UNIVERSAL CHILD HEALTH RECORD is NOT an acceptable form for sports.
In order to ensure that every child is safely where they are supposed to be, we are asking that the parent call the
main office (201-337-8185) by 8 a.m. to report your child's absence.
If you call prior to 7:30 a.m., please leave a message indicating your child's name, grade, and homeroom numberWe thank you for your cooperation.
Emergency Cards
In the event of illness or injury, it is imperative that we are able to conform to the wishes of parents or
guardians regarding the release of their child for treatment. It is MANDATORY that EMERGENCY CARDS be completed for
each student. Every attempt will be made to contact the parent or guardian before calling the persons listed on the card as
emergency contacts. Your child will be released ONLY to the persons listed on the emergency card. Please keep this card up
to date as needed. If you change phone numbers: cell, home, or work, please notify us immediately.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.Tick-Borne Disease Awareness and Prevention-See attached for information on Tick-bourne Diseases
Medications In School/ Medication Forms
Parents/Guardians are encouraged to administer medications at home whenever possible. Medications in school should be administered only when necessary for the health and safety of the student. All medications administered in school must be brought in by the parent/guardian in the original container and be clearly labeled. Our school Medication Consent Form must accompany the medication and be filled out and signed by your child’s physician, and signed by the parent. The form also applies to over -the -counter medications including Tylenol, Advil, and cough drops. Any omission will result in the nurse being unable to dispense medication to your child. This form must be completed every year. At the end of the school year, leftover medications are to be picked up by a parent or will be discarded. No medications can be left over the summer months.
* OVER THE COUNTER MEDICATION FORMS MUST BE RENEWED EVERY SCHOOL CALENDAR YEAR.No over the counter medicine, which includes Tylenol and cough drops can be given without this signed by both
parent and physician.This form may be downloaded from my web page under medical forms.
* ASTHMA INHALERS/EPIPENS- These also should be returned on the first day of school with the proper documentation
This includes all over the counter, allergy and daily medication your child receives.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
(ADHD) is more than just hyperactive behavior. Parents with children who have ADHD should consult their own doctor for further advice.
Research funded by the FSA has suggested that consumption of mixes of certain artificial food colors and the preservative sodium benzoate could be linked to increased hyperactivity in some children. It is important to remember that hyperactivity is also associated with many other factors in addition to certain additives; so dietary advice may help manage hyperactive behavior but may not be the total solution.
Other factors include premature birth, genetics and upbringing. If your child shows signs of hyperactivity, or if on the basis of this information you have concerns, you might choose to avoid giving your child food and drinks containing the following artificial colors:
- sunset yellow FCF (E110)• quinoline yellow (E104)• carmoisine (E122)• allura red (E129)•tartrazine (E102)• ponceau 4R (E124)
These colors are used in a wide range of foods that tend to be brightly colored, including some soft drinks, sweets, cakes and ice cream.
Parents may wish to check the labels of brightly colored foods if they want to avoid certain colors. When colors are used in food, they must
be declared in the list of ingredients as 'color', plus either their name or E number.A European Union-wide mandatory warning must be put on any food and drink (except drinks with more than 1.2% alcohol) that contains any of the six colors.
The label must carry the warning ‘may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children’. This became mandatory across the European Union from 20 July 2010.
Food and drink produced before 20 July 2010 can continue to be marketed, so it may take time for newly labeled products to appear on some
store shelves. If you buy any foods that are sold without packaging you will need to check with the person selling the product or with the
manufacturer. The Action on Additives website contains a list of some foods that contain the above colors (see below).The Agency is
encouraging manufacturers to work towards finding alternatives to these colors. Some manufacturers and retailers have already taken
action to remove them.
As you know, food allergies are a common, serious and sometimes fatal problem. New Jersey's Department of Health and Senior Services has been directed by the New Jersey State Legislature to
conduct ASK BEFORE YOU EAT! This is a campaign to help protect New Jersey's residents from the dangers of food allergies. The goal is to help everyone understand why it is so important for
people with food allergies to avoid foods that trigger allergic reactions. For further information go to the following web site: www.foodallergy.rutgers.edu
As we approach the peak of flu season, please be advised that the seasonal influenza vaccine is the best and safest protection available against influenza. New Jersey mandates that all children
six months through 59 months of age attending any licensed child care center, or preschool facility on or after September 1, 2008, annually receive at least one dose of influenza vaccine between
September 1 and December 31 of each year. NJDHSS is fully enforcing the seasonal vaccine mandate for children 6-59 months of age in childcare, preschool, and Headstart programs to receive
the seasonal flu vaccine by December 31st. There will be no grace period or waivers granted for unvaccinated children. Children who do not receive the vaccine by December 31st will be excluded
until the end of flu season, which is March 31st in New Jersey, or until they receive at least one dose of influenza vaccine. By law, the superintendent and education officials have the responsibility to
exclude children. Local or regional health departments have the responsibility to audit vaccination records and the authority to assess fines. In accordance with N.J.A.C. 8:57-4.24, each violation of
the rules shall be subject to the penalty set forth at N.J.S.A. 26:1A-10, (sic) Violation of the Sanitary Code, "each violation of any provision of the State Sanitary Code shall constitute a separate offense and shall be punishable by a penalty of not less than $50 nor more than $1000. Each penalty shall be sued for and recover in a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction." and the N.J.A.C. 8:57-4.2 Proof of Immunization, "A principal, director or other person in charge of a school, preschool, or childcare facility shall not knowingly admit or retain a child whose parent has not submitted
acceptable evidence of the child's immunization, according to the schedules specified in this subchapter." Just for clarity, the penalty action is taken against the facility or school not the parent.
However, the code requires that the child either not be admitted or be removed from school if they are unable to show proof of immunization as required by the Immunization of Pupils in School
rules. An accommodation is made for a parent/guardian to submit the necessary written letter requesting a religious or medical exemption as specified in the each of the respective sections of the
Over the past few years we have seen an increase of students diagnosed with asthmatic conditions. Environmental allergens, upper respiratory infections, irritants and exercise may provoke an
asthmatic incident. When the situation is exacerbated, the student’s condition can and may develop into a life-threatening situation. As hard as these students try to lead normal lives, even with
parental help, many cannot. They are in constant danger of entering a situation that may cause anaphylaxis, leading to respiratory distress and possible death. At school, it is our job to try and be as
vigilant as possible in providing as safe an environment that promotes healthy learning. This is an ongoing challenge. To help us here at school, I am asking that the school community to be as
sensitive to these students as we are to others who have life-threatening food allergies. Please encourage your student NOT to overload himself or herself with cologne or perfume. Discourage him or her
from bringing these products to school for use after gym class, in bathrooms, at lockers, or while attending any after-school event. The use of any of these products may cause a student with thisallergy to have an Anaphylactic Episode.
I thank you all in advance for your cooperation. I wish you and your family a HEALTHY SUMMER!
New Jersey FAMILY CARE MANDATED HEALTH INSURANCE The past administration in Trenton had made a commitment for New Jersey to provide universal health insurance to children and
affordable options for parents/guardians. This new law mandates that ALL children age 18 and under have health insurance. Information packets are available in the health office or you may visit
their website for application and information.Call, 1-800637-2997, web info at www.njfamilycare.org
Chickenpox is one of the common diseases of young children. If you think your child has been exposed to Chickenpox, be on the look out for symptoms. The incubation period is about one to three weeks
after exposure. During this time period, start looking for the signs of the disease, such as slight fever, aching joints and muscles, headache, loss of appetite, general malaise, and irritability. Most children
have been vaccinated with Varivax/Varicella. Only a small number of vaccinees develop Chickenpox, this is called "Breakthrough Disease." The occurance of breakthrough disease indicates that the
vaccine has provided partial protection, but the immune memory response was insufficient to entirely fight off the infection. Keep this in mind if you notice any rash on your child; please call your school
nurse and/or consult your child's physician. Follow your physician's orders and keep your school nurse informed. Please know that any child with Chickenpox must be excluded from school and must be
checked by the school nurse before returning to school.As always, thank you for your cooperation!
RSV-Respiratory Illness RSV,
Respiratory Syncytial Virus, causes acute respiratory illness in patients of all ages, but is an important cause of bronchitis and pneumonia in infants and children. It may also be associated with
significant respiratory illness in the elderly. Children with congenital heart disease, including underlying pulmonary disease, prematurity, and compromised immune systems are at greater risk of
severe RSV infection. Transmission of RSV occurs by direct or close contact with droplets or contaminated secretions that may persist for hours one environmental surfaces including hands. The
incubation period is typically 4-6 days. Contact precautions are recommended for those hospitalized and proper hand washing/hygiene and respiratory etiquette should be implemented for all to
help contain and surpress this virus. Typical outbreaks are October through March with a peak during the month of January.
My middle school experience to date has been should I say “invigorating.”The students here at Valley Middle School have been most helpful in making my transition from elementary school a
smooth one. Over the past Ten years here,many students have come through my office with various health issues and complaints, two of which are stomachaches and headaches. After doing a
health appraisal of these students I have found that a large percentage of my students are coming to school without breakfast. Over the years, studies have been made on the positive affects of
eating a “healthy breakfast.” These included the academic performance relevant to leaving the house having eaten from at least three of the food groups. Children learn the benefits of starting the
day off right as early as grade one in health class. “The New Food Pyramid” is introduced and the children are shown how to use it during each day. Healthy snacks are also discussed.....those
which give us long lasting energy, such as cheeses, fruits and those which should be saved for lunch or after school....cookies, chips etc. We are fortunate here at Valley Middle School to offer
breakfast choices for those students who skip breakfast at home. Don’t we all as parents owe it to our children to get them off to a great start in the morning!!
Unfortunately, along with onset of the changing of seasons, comes the sneezing, the coughing and the itchy, watery eyes. For most parents, the hardest part is trying to distinguish these typical
symptoms from a cold.Seasonal allergies affect a significant number of children every year, bring watery, red, itchy eyes and sneezing. Children with seasonal allergies can also manifest signs of
dark circles under their eyes called “allergic shiners”or little wrinkles in the middle of their nose because they are constantly taking the palm of their hand and wiping their nose upward, commonly
referred to as the “allergic salute.” Different seasons sprout different allergens (substances causing allergy symptoms). In the first few weeks of spring, the pollen coming from trees are likely to
blame. In late spring and summer, grass pollens and some weeds begin to spread throughout the air. By late summer and fall more weeds, especially ragweed, produce their strongest pollen,
usually until the first frost. In the fall, some molds will also develop due to decaying leaves.Molds can be found year-round whenever conditions are damp and humid. Allergens can irritate the
body and activate what is called the histamine response. This gives children the symptoms of sneezing, itchy watery eyes and scratchy throat. If these symptoms persist, they can start to cause
swelling or inflammation symptoms in the nasal passages. Thick mucus can block the nasal passages, and infection can potentially develop. Other complications from seasonal allergies are that
they may trigger asthma or wheezing, or they may complicate eczema. For children and adults alike, nasal saline flush is best to open blocked passages. Medication for seasonal allergies usually
begins with a trial of anti-histamine oral medicines. Studies have shown, however, that nasal sprays can be more effective at treating seasonal allergic symptoms because they prevent the allergen
from triggering the histamine response right at the source. There are also natural ways to combat seasonal allergies, such as air conditioners and indoor air filters. Some research has shown that
citrus fruits rich in vitamin C may provide anti-histamine benefits and help reduce allergy symptoms. If a child has repeated symptoms around the same time every year, it may be helpful to discuss with
your pediatrician if your child may have seasonal allergies. If the symptoms persist, allergy testing is also an option to try to figure out exactly which allergens to avoid. Lastly and most importantly, please inform your school nurse if your child suffers from seasonal allergies. Children become symptomatic, especially during recess and outdoor physical education. If you are giving your child medication for allergies, you should inform the school health office in writing via a note addressed to your school nurse.Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Suggestions from “Lice beaters” on Ways to Prevent Head Lice
While campers eagerly await opening day of their summer camps, many parents have one particular worry on their minds: head lice. Statistics show that the incidence of head lice peaks during
summer months. Fueled by increased head to head contact(through sports, group games and art projects, and horsing around), children are often subject to cases during the summer months at
camp.Even children who do not attend camp, but who are with other children at the town pool, or on a baseball team, at the beach, or even at the movies are subject to picking up lice. Since, short of
keeping children in a bubble, our children will be out. The following is a list of suggestions that Lice beaters (www.Licebeaters.com) have developed to help minimize your child's chances of getting
lice this summer.** Before sending children to camp, carefully inspect child's hair by parting it into small sections. Look through each section carefully.** If you see signs of nits or lice, you must
physically remove them. In many cases, the chemical shampoos DO NOT take care of the problem as the lice have developed a resistance to the bugs.** If you are unsure of what to do or are
overwhelmed by the number o nits/lice you find in the home, bring in a professional who will guarantee results.** If you find signs of lice or nits in your child's hair, it is advisable to tell any friends who
have been in close contact with your child so that child can eradicate her/his case and not give it back to your child.** At camp, children should avoid putting their heads together. Bugs crawl fromhead to head; they do not fly. Head-to-head contact is by far the most common way to communicate lice. ** In addition, campers should not share hairbrushes, hair clips, towels, hats, helmets or
anything else that comes into contact with the hair. Bugs can live on those objects for up to 2 days.** If your child is doing gymnastics, please request that the mats be thoroughly cleaned between
groups as children tumble on the mats and may leave lice behind for the next group to pick up.** For children who go to sleep away camp or have camp overnights or sleep-overs at friends' houses, it is advisable to bring your own pillow and not share that pillow with anyone. If other kids sit on your child's bed during the day, you should encourage your child to wipe off the bed before she/he
gets in at night. Lice are a nuisance but they do not carry disease and they are treatable. Take precautions and then let your child go and have fun at camp. If, despite being careful, your child
contracts a case of lice, you can try to manually treat with an over-the counter lice shampoo or visit www.Licbeaters.com at 973-376-6878 or 908-647-4198 or 201-407-7484
- Avoid tick-infested areas, especially in May, June and July.
- Wear light-colored clothing so that ticks can be spotted more easily.
- Tuck pant legs into socks or boots and shirt into pants.
- Tape the area where pants and socks meet so that ticks cannot crawl underclothing.
- Use insect repellent containing DEET or picaridin.
- Spray insect repellents containing permethrin on clothing only.
- Wear a hat and long-sleeved shirt for added protection.
- Walk in the center of trails to avoid overhanging grass and brush.
- After being outdoors, remove, wash and dry clothing at a high temperature;inspect body carefully and properly remove any attached ticks.
- Clear brush and tall grass around house and at the edges of gardens.
Read "Food Dyes: A Rainbow of Risks," to learn more. Commonly used food dyes, such as Yellow 5, Red 40, and six others,
are made from petroleum and pose a “rainbow of risks.” Those risks include hyperactivity in children, cancer (in animal studies),
and allergic reactions. In 2008, because of the problem of hyperactivity, the Center for Science in the Public Interest petitioned the
Food and Drug Administration to ban the use of these dyes. The British government and European Union have taken actions that
are virtually ending the use of dyes throughout Europe. Food dyes also serve to deceive consumers: they are often used to simulate
the presence of healthful, colorful fruits and vegetables.But considering the adverse impact of these chemicals on children, and
considering how easily they can be replaced with safe, natural ingredients,it's time to get rid of them altogether from the United States
and Canada. Food Standards Agency-March 30, 2011 FSA advice to parents on food colors and hyperactivity. Hyperactivity is a general
term used to describe behavioral difficulties affecting learning, memory, movement, language, emotional responses and sleep patterns.