- The Oakland Public Schools
- Welcome
Welcome to Mrs. Fit's Class!
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year. I am so excited to have a great year!
Contact Information:
4th Grade Special Area Schedule 5th Grade Special Area Schedule
Monday: P.E. Monday: P.E.
Tuesday: Library Tuesday: Art
Wednesday: P.E. Wednesday: Music
Thursday: Art Thursday: Library
Friday: Music Friday: P.E.
4th Grade Weekly Homework
Reading: Read for 20 minutes each night and color a symbol on your reading log
Math: Math Worksheet Monday--Thursday night
Spelling: Complete 3 activities from the spelling menu. Spelling activities are due on Friday.
5th Grade Weekly Homework
Reading: Read for 20 minutes each night and color a symbol on your reading log
Math: Math Worksheet Monday--Thursday night
Spelling: Complete 3 activities from the spelling menu. Spelling activites are due on Friday.
*Extra Help Wednesdays @ 8:30