
  • Welcome to the Oakland Public School District

    Registration Information

    Registration for New Students to Oakland Public Schools

    All Oakland Residents who are registering students must verify their residency. You must contact the secretary at the school your child will be attending to schedule an appointment to bring the following required documents:

    1. Completed Enrollment/Application Form
    2. If renting, an original lease, dated and signed, effective during the current school year. If no original lease available, Affidavit forms are available on the website. They must be signed and notarized and a copy of the owner's deed or tax bill attached.
    3. If the resident owns the home, a recorded deed is required or a copy of a current tax bill/statement.
    4. A copy of a current utility bill (i.e., PSE&G, House Phone, Water, Cable) with the name of the Oakland residency shown. If you have just moved in, please provide a work order for one of the above.
    5. Proof of parental guardianship.
    6. Birth Certificate (original) of the child, if born in the U.S. Passport only if born outside the U.S. Children shall be admitted to kindergarten provided he/she will have attained the age of five years on or before October 1 of the year in which admission is requested. To be eligible for admission to the first grade, a child shall have attained age 6 on or before October 1 of the attendance year.
    7. A Physical Examination Form and Immunization Form with up-to-date immunizations must be provided and reviewed by the school nurse before the student may enter school.
    8. Home Language Survey form


     Dogwood Hill Elementary School, 25 Dogwood Drive, Oakland NJ 07436     201-337-5822

     Heights Elementary School, 114 Seminole Avenue, Oakland NJ 07436        201-337-4147

     Manito Elementary School, 111 Manito Avenue, Oakland, NJ 07436            201-337-6106

     Valley Middle School, 71 Oak Street, Oakland, NJ 07436                            201-337-8185