12-9-24 Bulletin

Valley Middle School

Monday, Dec. 9, 2024

Gratitude Changes Your Attitude


BandLessons for today are as follows:

Period 3 - A Minecraft Movie

Period 4 - Night At the Museum

Period 5 - Lego Batman

Period 6 - Group O

Period 8 - Kung Fu Panda

*Congratulations to those students for their participation in the Ramsey Holiday Parade on Saturday!  The Braves band and staff are proud of your contributions!

**There will be a LAUNCH PAD BAND rehearsal tomorrow, TUESDAY, until 3:25 p.m. for all 6th grade band members.  Please see Mr. Clark if you have any questions.

***There is still time to sign up for Percussion Ensemble!  No experience necessary and the group will meet on Thursdays after school until 3:45 p.m. Be sure to get a permission slip as well from Mr. Clark.


Choir - All Choir members please check Google classroom for last week‘s announcement regarding tomorrow evening’s performance. Reach out to Mr. Noonan with any questions.


"12 Days of Kindness" Day 3 Challenge – Compliment three people. When you keep it positive and voice feedback often, you lead with humility and inspire motivation.


Attention Students - Library Lunch Bunch will begin on Wednesday, December 11th. Students will be able to come to the library during their lunch period after they finish eating.  This time will be used to complete work and/or read.  More information will be provided by your reading and language arts teachers today!  Please see Ms. Butterworth if you have any questions!


Bowling Club - The next meeting of the Bowling Club will be on Thursday from 2:45 until 4:00 at the Holiday Bowl! All are welcome to join. Grab a permission slip off the club bulletin board. See Ms. Binder or Ms. Latka with any questions.


Medical Clearance for Sports Clubs - The next deadline to submit forms to the health office for clearance is January 6th.  Medical clearance is required to participate in the following clubs:  Basketball, Bowling, Girls Flag Football, Golf, Hiking & Ecology, Pickleball, Tennis, Valley Dance Troupe and Volleyball. 


Cheerleading - will practice today until 4:15.


Math Club – is back for this school year.  The first meeting will take place on Wednesday until 3:30 in Room 304.  Make sure you pick up a permission slip and join the Google Classroom.  See Mr. Jacobsen with any questions.


Word Wizards - The next meeting is Tuesday from 2:45-4:00 in room 4.


Outstanding Oakland Club - the first meeting is Wednesday in Room 303 from 2:45-4:00PM. Bring old t-shirts that you're willing to cut up into dog toys for Oakland’s Bergen Animal Rescue! Permission slips are required and can be found on the club bulletin board.